Each team will be granted only ONE award in UMCEC 2021. (Best Popularity Award is excluded)
a) Overall Champion
b) First Runner-up
c) Second Runner-up
d) Honourable Mention
e) Best Poster Award
· Participants are required to design a poster including their design solution.
· The poster content:
I. Project background
II. Proposed solution
III. Design work
IV. Limitation
V. Expected result
· Poster designed are required to be uploaded to UMCEC 2021 via Google Form.
· It is judged by our judges based on the rubric of poster.
· Submission deadline: One week before event day (29 May 2021)
f) Best Popularity Award (starting from 12 April 2021)
· Participants are required to upload a video to UMCEC 2021 via Google Form.
· The video content:
I. Self-introduction
II. Group name
III. Name of university / polytechnic
IV. Must mention “University of Malaya Civil Engineering Competition 2021”
V. Duration: Minimum – 1 minute, Maximum – 2 minutes
VI. Submission deadline: 3 May 2021
VII. All participants must be visible in their video.
· Starting from 12 April 2021, the video submission is opened for the participants via Google Form.
· Video will be uploaded via UMCEC Facebook page.
· Participants are required to add UMCEC’s Facebook profile frame to their Facebook profile picture one month before competition day.
· Best Popularity Award will be awarded to group which having the highest “LIKE “for their video.
· It will be judged by amount of Likes of Post on Facebook only. The likes count will be collected in advance which is one day before Event day. (4 June 2021)